Thursday, January 25, 2007

Informatica Learning

I recently learned Informatica(INFA) and started having hands on experiance with it. I wanted to share some of my INFA experiances/issues/solution with all.

RTrim or LTrim takes a parameter which can be a specific string. If the string contains the specified one it trims(deletes) from the actual string given, else leaves it as it is.
For Example: I had a date pattern like '7/8/2006 0:00:00'. I used the RTrim expression as below:
RTRIM(In_str, '0:00:00')
The output of above is '7/8/2006'.

Will publish more as I come across.


Unknown said...

got you...I explained the things here
Data Warehousing | Informatica | Oracle | Unix Tutorial

Anonymous said...

That's a good example. But, in real time LTRIM and RTRIM will be used to make the filed accurate by removing the spaces to the left and right and most of the date convertions are handled by the TO_DATE Fucntion.

All the best.

Tutorial Blogs said...

Sharing for sharings sake is a rare trait.Keep up the effort

Mahender said...

Appreciate your efforts Shireesha,

My recent post etl tools
And Dynamic parameter file

Mahender said...

Nice to see people online and sharing through blog.
plz review my recent post ETL Tools
and Dynamic Parameter File

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