Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Long Sorakaya's from my Mama's home

This is the picture of sorakaya from my mama's home. which is too tall just like him.

Tried to capture the long sorakaya (bottle gourd) in a single picture .... but could not.... so took another picture.

The following picture is from my aunt's home where she broke the sorakaya into two pieces. Laid them attached, to show the length of the sorakaya.

I also took the next picture because I felt they just looked like twins :) .

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Home grown - 2010 -2

Since I did not plant many this year, I am currently enjoying a good number of long green chillies along with cucumber and Gongura (Sour greens). Here are couple of snaps from different weeks.


Roses from my backyard:


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